Sustainable empowerment programmes for youth!

Some parents can still remember some nursery rhymes or even answers to some questions studied back then in school. That shows you how education can mould lives accurately and meticulously to the extent that people begin to behave intelligently.  That is where we are heading to now with these young people of today. Instead of complaining about certain things, why not introduce empowerment programmes to them? I mean empowerment programmes which will be sustainable for continuous benefits for them. They will learn how to express themselves and get answers to their questions. Also, they will be able to release their personal values which can benefit them and the world in the future. Young people will get trained, while they learn how to take control of their lives. That is where they understand how to value their self-worth, rather than some of them feeling worthless.


Young people and their prompt abilities

 Don’t forget that young people are critical thinkers, fast learners, communicators, energetic and go-getters. This is the time to engage them in progressive programmes which will empower and inspire them so that they will have opportunities for a better life and a better future. Don’t bother if some people refuse to appreciate your efforts, better ones will soon embrace you.


Advice For Young People

I decided to add a few words of advice below.

  1. Don’t have unprotected sex when you are not ready to have babies.
  2. Please listen to your parent’s warnings and advice.
  3. Focus on your education and future ambitions
  4. Mix with progressive groups, not gangs of disruption
  5. Say NO to drugs or deadly substances
  6. Don’t be a bully
  7. Whatever the situation is, don’t ever feel worthless. If you do feel this way, please speak to your parent/s and doctor. 
  8. Keep forging ahead until you achieve your goal, remember every successful person had that time in life where they almost wanted to give up, but they didn’t. So never give up!

You are all winners, do not give up!

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