I am sure many people would understand that love can suddenly turn to heartbreak for any reason. Yes, it is not new that a man can break a woman’s heart, the same way a woman can break a man’s heart but let us discuss the repercussion and severity. 

The aftermath of heartbreak

Heartbreak can be debilitating.
When some people are experiencing love and affection, you will notice more laughter and happiness. The minute they look sad or feel low in spirit, the relationship might not be that juicy like before. Though other reasons might cause someone to be low- in spirit.
Some people say, why is the woman depressed over the heartbreak that means nothing? Can’t she move-on like others and get a life? 
It is hard for some people to get over a breakup that leads to heartbreak.
Unfortunately, our brains are not wired the same if you understand what I mean, that is the reason why some people are stronger than others. Our cognition relates differently. 
Some people are affected physically by either losing weight or gaining weight, some deteriorate in appearance, while some people get depressed.
Some time ago, I visited someone in a psychiatry hospital where she was sectioned after she tried to set the house and herself on fire due to heartbreak caused by her boyfriend of many years.
To my surprise, many women in that specific psychiatry hospital had similar cases of abuse, trauma, emotional breakdown, or heartbreak.
Don’t call those women weak.
It is advisable for women to try to be independent and wise, without allowing some men to play on their brains. At the same time while you expect a few things from the person, don’t expect too much, this way you avoid getting disappointed. This applies to both genders.
Points to note after heartbreak
  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Lack of motivation 
  • Withdrawal from friends are most common as a result of heartbreak
  • Emotional pain

What can you do

To get over heartbreak, time heals pain mostly. Though it is advisable to mix with positive people around you (a virtual network is advisable for now). Cheer yourself up with activities you love rather than wallowing in self-pity or regret.
Finally, refrain from having contact with the person who broke your heart. Try to avoid groveling or searching for the person on social media. Move on and try to occupy yourself with better plans or projects that can make you feel better. 
Also, follow your passion and take care of yourself.
A better one might surface as time goes on. 
These days, depression is affecting more people each day. Be free with your doctor and don’t hide your problem. 
Have you experienced a repercussion from heartbreak?
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