Yes, you need to differentiate rape from sex in a relationship/marriage. Especially, if the partner is strange or violent. It can happen to either male or female. You know that mentality some men are used to; claiming women say No when they mean Yes? Of course not all women. In the past, we might have had many women who were not bold enough to face men by expressing themselves due to stigmatisation or condescending remarks from some men. They use to translate their honest answer or request to act of pettiness. Today, when most women say, yes or no, they mean it. Below I add an edited conversation between a lady and myself who has been with her husband for ten unhappy years. She asked me to post this. As a professional motivator and talk show host, over the years during our charity outreach, I’ve met people from all walks of life who confide in me. Some stories stay undisclosed no matter how much they press me to post. I remain a good role-model, so must you!
The young woman claimed her husband said, are you crazy for taking my hands off? I will beat the hell out of you if you do that again. She said, if she doesn’t allow him to have his way which only takes two minutes, he will beat her. What should she do? Oh, lest I forget, I asked her why not explain to her man how she wants IT in the room and seek help? She said, ha madame, do you want to kill me? She explained how he will call her a whore and beat her. This is one of those stories we were asked to share so that other victims of abuse can seek help. You must enjoy your private life together without any abuse or unnecessary imposition. It is well.