The determination must really matter, do you think it does?

 A determination is a good feeling of hope which helps you swim through difficult challenges that comes your way. When you have a dream or purpose which you so much believe in, it is only right to follow it firmly without doubting. There must be that firmness in being able to attain your goal. To become successful in life, you must be filled with enormous determination. A determination to become someone bigger and better. Laziness can only connote setback or failure but never succeeded.


How I achieved my goal through determination

For example, when I went through some unhappy days at a stage in life, I determined to make a decision which helped me become a better person today. Regardless of challenges or difficulties, do not allow the wrong diversion. I determined to educate myself up to university level as a wife and mother of lovely children many years ago after I realised that NVQ 2 and few professional results were nothing. So, I studied and struggled through university until I gracefully graduated from university with a degree. No matter what your goal or dream is, a determination will see you through. Otherwise, laziness will pull you back. I added this link how I realised my talent through focus, this is useful too. You must be focused in life by holding up the indomitable spirit. 

There is nothing as fulfilling as being constantly determined each time you are carrying out a task or project passionately. You must be ready to determinate what you want in life. With the strength of your willpower right inside you, you will never fail. Before you set yourself a goal, you must believe something will go well. That simply means you should remain positive. Never allow yourself to wallow in overwhelmed situation, setbacks, obstacles, isolation or fatigue mood.

Refuse to listen to people who say you can’t make it. Be with positive people and remain on top of the game!


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