I remember seeing my friend with a bald head only to tell me she’s still going for chemotherapy.  She showed me the scar from mastectomy and said she bleeds whenever she urinates. Also, she said she wants to cut off her head when that mad headache starts! Some women shared stories, videos, and photos of their bald head caused by chemo. Does it bring tears to eyes? YES. Don’t forget cancer patients do feel sense of loss and sadness. They need our positive words of encouragement, support, upliftment, and love.  

Cancer pain can be caused by many reasons.  

Acute and chronic pain depends on what type of cancer treatment or cancer itself, but none of it is bearable or enjoyable.  Our friends or loved ones who are struggling to cope are truly brave heroes. No one deserves to die from cancer neither should anyone experience cancer disease. 

59% of those experiencing pain might be in the early stage while more numbers of patients advanced, might slightly feel pain. Less than 40% patients do feel pain after cancer treatment which is off and on pain. Some patients feel severe pain caused by cancer itself, or by the treatment. 

Some few cause of cancer pain

If/when cancer is spread to the bones, it leads to pain. If there’s a fracture or crack in the bone.

Side effect of radiography, surgery or chemotherapy

When there isn’t enough blood circulation. There will be blocked blood vessels.

When a tumour is pressing a nerve. A benign is non-cancerous while malignant is the cancerous lump.

Infection or swelling and redness which is known as inflammation

How to cope with yourself

Please be seen with positive thinkers. People who can bring laughs and encouragement to your life. Be full of confidence and hope. Don’t turn your back on your treatment. 



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