Suleiman was the first Nigerian to die of coronavirus in Nigeria
Nigeria has recorded the first death of coronavirus in Nigeria.
The first Nigerian to die of coronavirus in Nigeria is Mr Suleiman who travelled in from the United Kingdom to Nigeria.
What bothers me is the fact that upon the noxious pandemic, some religious leaders are still encouraging public gatherings and many people are still attending social gatherings where they can easily proliferate coronavirus.
Why aren’t most people reasonable amid coronavirus pandemic that has claimed the lives of thousands of people worldwide including Italy, Spain, Nigeria, the UK, USA, Iran, Syria, South Korea, Tunisia, Sudan, China where it started to suffice.


Let’s talk about the first Nigerian who died of coronavirus in Nigeria

Suleiman Achimugu, a native of Kogi State, Nigeria has died from coronavirus. He was aged 67.

He was the former managing director of the petroleum products marketing company (PPMC), who arrived from the United Kingdom two weeks ago to Nigeria where he begins to show the symptoms of covid-19, which prompted the case to be reported to Nigeria Centre for Disease Contol (NCDC) where his blood was taken for the test. 

He tested positive and was taken to the specialist hospital, Gwagwalada, where he died while receiving treatment around 2 am this morning 23rd of March 2020. He had underlying medical issues; cancer, which he was undergoing chemotherapy for.

This led to his family being under quarantine.


 Listen to precautionary measures to prevent coronavirus

Religious leaders in Nigeria, most Nigerians, and people worldwide should try to listen to instructions for once regarding precautionary steps to avoid coronavirus virus.
Avoid attending churches, mosques, or temples, so that you will not spread covid-19.
All countries started with 5 to 10 cases but drastically, the numbers rose. Today, Italy has almost 29. 000 registered cases with over 5.200 deaths. 
281 Britons have died with the rise of over 5.000 cases in the UK.
Spain, France, Germany, and other advanced countries who are struggling to contain this pandemic talk less of Nigeria, a country where the health system is poor. 
Think about your lives,  stay at home. 
May God help Italy, the UK, Nigeria, France, the USA and all countries where the pandemic is eating through uncontrollably.
Share and discuss your concern or experience amid covid-19.
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